Console Rebuilding

Organ consoles frequently become available that are suitable for rebuilding using the Phoenix electronic system. Pipe organ consoles in particular are often of high quality and the hardwoods used in their construction are of value. Whether or not the 'front end' of the Phoenix system is used to control pipes or is fed into our digital sampling system, any good console can be put back into the useful condition that it deserves. At Phoenix Organs we like to recycle used consoles whenever possible as the cost of replacing such cabinetry is high. Every individual project must be seriously considered before any work is undertaken as it must be determined how worthwhile the finished product will be. Below is useful information to serve as a guideline for making informed decisions.

For more information please visit the related article by clicking here.

Three manual pipe console being retrofitted at the Phoenix facility.

The finished organ re-installed with several Phoenix sampled stop additions at St.Paul United Church, Perth, Ontario, Canada


Crafted with Integrity and Uncommon Care.