
St. Jude's Anglican Church, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

3 manuals, 73 speaking stops, 24 audio channels
Donald Anderson, Organist

Trumpet Tune in A - David Johnson

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A brief improvisation on the French Specification

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St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Pittsburgh, PA

3 manuals, 45 speaking stopsThese recordings were made while Don Anderson was testing the organ after voicing. The installation was completed November 9, 2010 amidst the noise of construction workers and painters who were finishing the major re-construction and decoration of this historic church in downtown Pittsburgh. Don played in a single 'take' despite wearing work boots!

Psalm 19 - Benedetto Marcello

Watch a slide-show with the music

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Adagio - Mendelssohn

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St. John's Anglican Church, Peterborough, Canada

Hybrid Organ: 4 manuals, 73 speaking stops (40 digital)

Phoenix has updated many pipe organs. This Casavant was originally built in 1956. A 4 manual Casavant console also from 1956 was totally rebuilt in our shop and added to this organ in 2007. Phoenix pipe drivers were also installed. 

Voluntary - John Stanley

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Praise, My Soul - arr. Eugene Hill

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Choral Song - S.S. Wesley

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Don Anderson gives an informal demonstration of the stops found on the Baroque specification of most Phoenix organs.

Demonstration and comments of PT 341 Specification 2

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An Outstanding Organ in a Private Home near Washington, D.C. 

3 manuals, 67 speaking stops
Darrell L. Ackmann, Organist, from his CD "Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding"

"On This Day Earth Shall Ring"

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"Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella"

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Phoenix Organ Model PT222 with Baroque Specification Selected

2 manuals, 22 speaking stops
Donald Anderson, Organist

Johann Pachelbel's Ciacona in F (full performance)

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Excerpts from Johann Pachelbel's Ciacona in F:

8' Gedeckt

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4' Spitzflote

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8' and 4' Flutes

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8', 4', 2' Principals

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Plenum - all flue stops of 8', 4', 2' plus Mixtures III and IV

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Reeds: 8' Oboe, 8' Trompete

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St. Paul's Anglican Church, Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada

3 manuals, 46 speaking stops
Donald Anderson, Organist

Excerpt of J.S. Bach Chorale Prelude

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Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

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When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

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Excerpt of Boellmann's Toccata using French Reeds

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Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ontario, Canada

3 manuals, 44 speaking stops
Aubrey Foy, Organist

Excerpt of a Chorale Fantasia by Karg-Elert 

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Crafted with Integrity and Uncommon Care.