Findlay, Ohio, USA
PD 350

At St. Paul's UM Church, the pipes and chests were sold and the chamber renovated to provide for a storage facility below and speaker chamber above. Phoenix asked that the acoustic ceiling tiles in the pipe chamber be replaced with drywall and painted, and that the chamber have as much height and square footage as possible. This was done to allow the AcoustiCube speakers to be placed in such a way as to take advantage of their reflective capabilities and the C-C# chest effect.

The Phoenix PD 350 (three manuals and 50 stops) has ebony drawknobs with domed inserts from Harris Precision of California and Casavant-style coupler tabs by Peterson Musical.

"Phoenix had the best sound, the best build quality, the best price and the best people."
"I felt like I was playing a top tier pipe organ and my ears were definitely saying "pipe organ!"
- Jim Mace, organist
St. Paul's UM Church, Findlay, OH


At bottom right: Donald Anderson of Phoenix Organs (seated) going through the instruments features with St. Paul's organist, Jim Mace, and Dick Dreisbach, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Crafted with Integrity and Uncommon Care.