Newcastle, England
New Phoenix Organ

David Bostock, Phoenix Organ's developer and designer, is pleased to announce the installation of a fine new four manual Phoenix Organ at St. Nicholas Anglican Cathedral, Newcastle, England.

The console uses UHT (German) keyboards, Kimber Allen drawknobs, has two banks of 18 audio channels and a console built by George Sixsmith and Sons Pipe Organ Company.

Mr. Bostock worked with organ consultant for the project, and well-known English organist, Paul Hale.

The specification is listed below:

Pedal Organ
Double Open Diapason 32
Sub Bourdon 32
Open Wood 16
Violone 16
Open Diapason 16
Bourdon 16
Octave 8
Principal 8
Bass Flute 8
Fifteenth 4
Octave Flute 4
Mixture IV
Contra Bombarde 32
Bombarde 16
Trombone 16
Trumpet 8

Swell Organ enclosed
Bourdon 16
Violin Diapason 8
Lieblich Gedackt 8
Salicional 8
Voix Celestes 8
Principal 4
Lieblich Flute 4
Fifteenth 2
Mixture III
Plein Jeu IV
Contra Oboe 16
Oboe 8

Double Trumpet 16
Cornopean 8
Clarion 4
Great Organ
Double Open Diapason 16
Open Diapason I 8
Open Diapason II 8
Gamba 8
Stopped Diapason 8
Principal 4
Octave 4
Wald Flute 4
Twelfth 2 2/3
Fifteenth 2
Fourniture IV
Sharp Mixture III
Contra Posaune 16
Posaune 8
Clarion 4

Choir Organ
Quintaton 16
Principal 8
Rohr Flute 8
Unda Maris II
Principal 4
Chimney Flute 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Piccolo 2
Tierce 1 3/5
Cymbel III
Corno di Bassetto 8

Trompette 8

Solo Organ enclosed
Contra Gamba 16

Viol d’Orchestre 8
Viole Celeste 8
Harmonic Flute 8
Octave Viole 4
Concert Flute 4
Harmonic Piccolo 2
Cor Anglais 16
Vox Humana 8
Clarinet 8

Orchestral Trumpet 8
Tuba 8 unenclosed

Generals on Swell Toe pistons
Great and Pedal combinations coupled
Eight thumb pistons to Choir, Great, Swell and Solo organs
Eight General thumb pistons
Reversible thumb pistons to:

Choir to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Solo to Pedal
Swell to Choir
Solo to Choir
Choir to Great
Swell to Great
Solo to Great
Swell to Solo

Set and General Cancel thumb pistons
Eight ‘Sequence plus’ thumb pistons
One ‘Sequence minus’ thumb piston
Eight Pedal toe pistons
Eight Swell toe pistons
Reversible toe pistons to:

Great to Pedal
Sub Bourdon 32

One ‘Sequence plus’ toe piston
One ‘Sequence minus’ toe piston
400 General memory levels
16 Divisional memory levels
Stepper/ Sequencer
LED displays
No roll top
UHT wood core keyboards
Motorised adjustable bench
Indian rosewood

Crafted with Integrity and Uncommon Care.