Milton, ON, Canada
Hybrid Organ

St. Paul's, Milton, Canada had a fire in 2010 and the building, including the organ, suffered heat and smoke damage to the point the complete organ had to undergo a major rebuilding project, which included the addition of Phoenix pipe samples to complete the limited pipe organ. The organ rebuild was completed in July 2015.

Phoenix rebuilt the entire console and added new keyboards, drawknobs, pistons, stop jambs, and coupler tabs. All that was retained of the original console was the shell and bench. Phoenix added a new pedalboard to replace the original which was in very poor condition and wasn't worth salvaging. The project also included a new Phoenix pipe driver system and Phoenix AcoustiCube speaker system.

Andrew Mead, of Mead Organ Service, undertook the pipe organ cleaning and rebuild and worked along side Phoenix Organs to finish the organ.  Mr. Mead removed the mediocre Pedal pipes and had Phoenix Organs replace them with sampled stops. 

The result is a cohesive, well-rounded instrument.   

Crafted with Integrity and Uncommon Care.