Cincinnati, Ohio
Hybrid Organ

Dirk Mooibroek already has a Phoenix Organ in his home, but he also has a marvelous Van Den Heuval pipe organ, pictured at right. The two manual terraced pipe organ console was shipped to Phoenix Organs to be made into a 3 manual, with the addition of the Phoenix operating system, sampled stops and a general re-working of the French terraced, Rodger Colby console.

The pic at top right shows the completed instrument, while the pic at bottom shows the original console. The pic at centre shows Don Anderson at the console and Mark Anderson wiring the new Phoenix relay system.

Below is an audio clip of spec 1.

This organ is now for sale and was renovated, with the best specification and tonal integrity possible, to become available for a church/organization. It now has 3 manuals and features 53 stops x 4 specifications, a truly remarkable hybrid pipe/electronic result.

The organ is offered by Mr. Mooibroek at $300,000 US Dollars, delivered and installed within 1,000 miles of Cincinnati, OH. Please contact Phoenix Organs directly for information.

Crafted with Integrity and Uncommon Care.