St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Phoenix II TS 251

The former 1940's vintage Casavant Freres console was shipped to Phoenix Organs facility and retrofitted to a virtual organ. It was originally a small pipe organ from a funeral home, and later no longer used  as a pipe organ by the church. The decision was made to keep the console and retrofit it.

The two manual, 54 stop project includes new keyboards, name board and side pieces in walnut, refinished original music desk, expression pedals, new pedalboard contact system, new thumb pistons and two touch screen monitors mounted on articulated arms. The JOrgan system, running on Linux, has two specifications of Phoenix Organ's stops--English/American Romantic and Baroque. The system has several convolution reverb settings, Swell Octave Couplers, and many other features making this very good value for the money. The finished organ is  compact, with a far bigger sound and more variety than any organ the church could afford to purchase from any organ company.

The renovations to the sanctuary were completed in June, at which time the new organ was installed. The two existing free standing pipe cases are being used in new church sanctuary. One houses the 7 audio channels of AcoustiCube speakers, while the console partially slides into the other.

The pics at right show the completed church and the pic at bottom right shows the organ console minus the pedalboard.

Crafted with Integrity and Uncommon Care.