This instrument was built by the famous Dutch firm Van den Heuvel in 1995.
It is rare to find one of these fine organs on this side of the Atlantic let alone a used one that is for sale. The casework and facade are outstanding. The organ was built for the beautiful large home of Dirk Mooibroek of Cincinnati, Ohio. Dirk was owner of ICMI Heiligers Organ Builders which at one time worked with Van den Heuvel on various projects.
The Mooibroeks are relocating and a new compact Phoenix organ with van den Heuvel casework has been built for their new home.
This is your opportunity to acquire a Van den Heuvel organ with 16 ranks of pipes. The organ is presently being enlarged by Phoenix Organs to 3 manuals. A new Phoenix pipe control system will be added and new digital stops. In addition to the French sampled stops there will be American, Baroque, and Orchestral specifications to further enhance the distinct French character of the reed pipes.
The Case is of African Mahogany and stands about 16 feet tall, 12 feet broad, and 6 feet deep. The console is detached and removable. Weight is about 10,000 pounds. Pipes are Dutch-crafted with high tin content of 70% on Principal ranks. The pipes are tuned “Dead Length” except for the Hautbois 8'. The Grand Orgue Montre pipes are divided on each side of the case. Gold–leaf mouths are on the facade pipework which alone is valued at over US$5000.
Grande Orgue: 5 stops - Montre 8, Prestant 4, Doublette 2, Mixture III-V, Trompette 8.
Recit-Expressif: 7 stops - Principal 8, Unda Maris 8, Bourdon 8, Flute Fuseau 4, Doublette 2, Cornet III (tenor C), Hautbois 8.
PRICE: US $300,000.
Contact us at Phoenix Organs for further information.
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